Comprehensive SaaS Platform for Community and Micro-Grid Energy Independence

MYPWR by Riddle&Code is a transformational Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform that empowers communities and micro-grid operators to generate, manage, distribute and monetize their own energy.

Designed to address the inefficiencies and environmental impact of centralized energy systems, MYPWR enables local or micro communities to achieve energy independence, sustainability, and economic resilience through renewable energy sources and advanced blockchain technology.

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Beat the Competition with Next Generation Energy Certificates!

Energy consumers with decarbonization pressure are the rule rather than the exception - they want to know more about the product they buy! Existing certificates are not up to the task. They lack precision concerning time, place and source of production and cannot be used throughout the complete supply chain and lifecycle of products. The landscape of existing data interfaces is highly inhomogeneous which leads to massive inefficiencies and error rates in reporting processes. MYPWR’S hardware secured, digital certificates are the superior solution for these issues. They offer proof of time, location and source, real time traceability and cross-sector compatibility (green mobility, materials, heat, etc.) in a highly auditable manner.

Energy consumers with decarbonization pressure are the rule rather than the exception - they want to know more about the product they buy!

Existing certificates are not up to the task. They lack precision concerning time, place and source of production and cannot be used throughout the complete supply chain and lifecycle of products. The landscape of existing data interfaces is highly inhomogeneous which leads to massive inefficiencies and error rates in reporting processes.

MYPWR’S hardware secured, digital certificates are the superior solution for these issues. They offer proof of time, location and source, real time traceability and cross-sector compatibility (green mobility, materials, heat, etc.) in a highly auditable manner.

Real-Time Data Empowerment with MYPWR

MYPWR by Riddle&Code is a transformational Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform that empowers communities to generate, manage, and distribute their own energy.

Designed to address the inefficiencies and environmental impact of centralized energy systems, MYPWR enables local communities to achieve energy independence, sustainability, and economic resilience through renewable energy sources and advanced blockchain technology.

MYPWR by Riddle&Code is a transformational Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform that empowers communities to generate, manage, and distribute their own energy.

Designed to address the inefficiencies and environmental impact of centralized energy systems, MYPWR enables local communities to achieve energy independence, sustainability, and economic resilience through renewable energy sources and advanced blockchain technology.

By 2030 every Smart Device Will Have an Integrated Hardware Wallet Get in Early!

Classic “smart devices” only focus on monitoring and control features. Fancy dashboards are nice, but without the capability to transact, they’re just gadgets, leaving the biggest part of the value potential untapped. With MYPWR we help you integrate a hardware wallet into your products, allowing machines to send and receive transactions, a must-have feature to build successful future technology services. Only this allows digital ecosystems to sprout and grow, creating a whole new customer segment for digital service providers.

Classic “smart devices” only focus on monitoring and control features. Fancy dashboards are nice, but without the capability to transact, they’re just gadgets, leaving the biggest part of the value potential untapped.

With MYPWR we help you integrate a hardware wallet into your products, allowing machines to send and receive transactions, a must-have feature to build successful future technology services. Only this allows digital ecosystems to sprout and grow, creating a whole new customer segment for digital service providers.

Hardware-Secured Certificates and Energy Agents

Hardware-secured certificates are an essential tool that enables comprehensive tracing across supply chains and product lifecycles. In contrast, legacy systems often lack the necessary capabilities to verify product authenticity and quality effectively. Moreover, supply chain data, including material mix, quality, and carbon footprint, is vulnerable to manipulation and alteration.

Energy Agents address these concerns by providing a hardware-secured, highly auditable data registry for all relevant parties in a supply chain. This approach ensures the integrity of the supply chain data and enables secure collaboration among supply chain participants.

Hardware-secured certificates are an essential tool that enables comprehensive tracing across supply chains and product lifecycles. In contrast, legacy systems often lack the necessary capabilities to verify product authenticity and quality effectively. Moreover, supply chain data, including material mix, quality, and carbon footprint, is vulnerable to manipulation and alteration.

Energy Agents address these concerns by providing a hardware-secured, highly auditable data registry for all relevant parties in a supply chain. This approach ensures the integrity of the supply chain data and enables secure collaboration among supply chain participants.

Energy independence starts with data independence!

MYPWR helps you make the most of your smart-meter data. Plug-in our patented hardware wallet into any Smart Meter and receive trusted production and consumption data in real-time. Let the MYPWR work for you to maximize your “self-consumption” rate - including easy integration into Smart Home solutions to control wall-boxes, heat-pumps, air-conditions and other electric devices autonomously. Add dynamic tariffs directly from the intuitive operator’s dashboard and connect external services (e.g. from accounting and billing providers) via API.

MYPWR helps you make the most of your smart-meter data. Plug-in our patented hardware wallet into any Smart Meter and receive trusted production and consumption data in real-time.

Let the MYPWR work for you to maximize your “self-consumption” rate - including easy integration into Smart Home solutions to control wall-boxes, heat-pumps, air-conditions and other electric devices autonomously. Add dynamic tariffs directly from the intuitive operator’s dashboard and connect external services (e.g. from accounting and billing providers) via API.

Revolutionize Your Energy Services with MYPWR

Master your digital service game by using the best data interface to the fastest growing customer segment in energy! According to CE Delft, up to 89% of energy consumed by households can technically be produced by prosumers. But prosumers don’t want their energy to be stuck at home. With MYPWR you can offer to them a multiverse of innovative services so they can carry their energy around in their pockets and spend it like a currency - for example, to charge their EV in your charging station network.

Master your digital service game by using the best data interface to the fastest growing customer segment in energy! According to CE Delft, up to 89% of energy consumed by households can technically be produced by prosumers.

But prosumers don’t want their energy to be stuck at home. With MYPWR you can offer to them a multiverse of innovative services so they can carry their energy around in their pockets and spend it like a currency - for example, to charge their EV in your charging station network.

Transform your Energy into Power through Tokenization!

MYPWR empowers the kilowatt-hours, the distributed, heterogeneous, non-energy experts, the prosumers.In many regions they received the right, unfortunately they are missing the tools to participate successfully in the energy market. MYPWR is the game changer they’ve been waiting for. Just plug-in an MYPWR energy wallet into your Smart Meter and create a digital twin of your clean energy asset. This is your identity in the digital ecosystem of clean energy so you can easily be discovered by a large number of service providers. Resulting in higher quality and lower priced service offerings.

MYPWR empowers the kilowatt-hours, the distributed, heterogeneous, non-energy experts, the prosumers.In many regions they received the right, unfortunately they are missing the tools to participate successfully in the energy market.

MYPWR is the game changer they’ve been waiting for. Just plug-in an MYPWR energy wallet into your Smart Meter and create a digital twin of your clean energy asset. This is your identity in the digital ecosystem of clean energy so you can easily be discovered by a large number of service providers. Resulting in higher quality and lower priced service offerings.

Ways to Use

Regional Energy Communities By Us, For Us

Start a local Energy Community! Give your community Energy Independence, Community Empowerment and Social and Economic Equity.

Optimization of Energy

Receive real-time recommendations on when it is best to consume energy, store energy, or sell energy, allowing you to optimize your local energy production and consumption.

Real-Time Data

Using unique hardware called Energy Agents, communities can track and verify their energy production and consumption in 'real-time'.

Turn kWh of renewable energy production and consumption into digital assets, via tokenization, enabling you to invest in green energy assets and own a stake in the future of sustainable energy.

Energy Agent

Unique hardware device to track energy data in real-time.

Re-Invest in Your Community

Use the power of tokenization to reinvest your communities excess kWh production to invest in your community, such as installing more green energy assets, such as Energy Storage systems.

Advanced Platform for Community Management

Fight Climate Change

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote the development of renewable energy projects, and contribute to global efforts to mitigate climate change.

MYPWR advanced features using the RDDL Network allow for the creation and selling of Carbon credits, Proof of Provenance, Green Energy Certificates and more.


Community Empowerment

Local Decision-Making: MYPWR provides tools for communities to make decisions about their energy supply, ensuring that solutions align with local needs and values.

Custom Solutions: Options to tailor the platform to the unique energy sources, regulatory requirements, and specific needs of each community.

Energy Independence

Self-Sufficiency: Communities can control their own energy supply, reducing dependence on external providers and shielding themselves from volatile energy markets.

Scalable Solutions: The platform is scalable, supporting small communities to large urban areas.

Environmental Stewardship

Sustainable Energy: By focusing on renewable energy like solar, wind, hydro, and biomass, MYPWR reduces carbon emissions, improves air and water quality, and supports local biodiversity.

Compliance: The platform ensures that all energy practices meet local, national, and international environmental and regulatory standards.

Economic Resilience

Local Reinvestment: Profits from energy production are reinvested locally, fostering job creation, supporting public services, and addressing energy poverty.Community Currency: Through blockchain technology, communities can create their own local currency, enhancing economic self-sufficiency and resilience.

Real-Time Energy Management

Up-to-the-Minute Data: MYPWR operates with real-time data, allowing communities to optimize energy production, consumption, and storage, ensuring maximum efficiency and cost savings.

Advanced Analytics: Detailed analytics dashboards offer insights into energy production, consumption patterns, storage efficiency, and financial performance.

Blockchain-Driven Transparency:

Data Integrity: MYPWR utilizes advanced blockchain technology for energy data notarization, ensuring 100% accuracy and transparency in energy tracking and transactions.

Performance Metrics: The platform guarantees data accuracy, transaction speed, and critical performance indicators through a robust SLA (Service Level Agreement).